Dagmar Blommaert Joins the Panel Discussion on Gender and Inclusion

On Tuesday afternoon, June 29, the Flanders Audiovisual Fund is organizing an online sector moment with lectures by international experts and panel discussions with local actors from the audiovisual and game sector.

The afternoon consists of three keynotes and three panels in which we will zoom in more deeply on gender and inclusion in the gaming sector.

The opening keynote will be from Kim Belair , writer, narrative designer and CEO of Canadian Sweet Baby Inc. Belair is on the selection committee of WINGS Interactive, a fund that focuses on indie games by female makers or studios with a diverse team.

The first keynote will be followed by a first panel discussion on gender and inclusion in the gaming sector, with Aminata Demba (Represent), Dagmar Blommaert (like Charlie), Allie Weis (Howest), David Verbruggen(FLEGA) and Naomi Nelan (VAF).

Regeister and view the entire program here.

Kristi Ramot